5 Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Things for the Balikbayan Box

OFW life is not easy. Yes, you are earning in dollars and more than what you can earn in the Philippines, but with bigger earnings come bigger responsibilities. You need to make sure that your family is financially secure and at the same time, will have food on the table. You take the burden of paying everything – from bills to tuition fee and even medical expenses of your relatives.

Apparently, it doesn’t end there. There will always be a sense of longing and guilt feeling, which you compensate by sending a balikbayan box with love. Surely you mean well, but one of the reasons why many OFWs don’t have enough savings is because they spend up to the last centavo buying something for the family. Worse, this “something” might not even last for at least a year.

You can change that without compromising the “need” to send balikbayan box back home. Here are questions you need to ask yourself first before shopping for the box’s contents:

Do they need this? 

Everybody needs clothes and shoes, but do you really have to buy these items frequently? The shoes you bought for your son six months ago still fits so there’s no need to buy one. Plus, you spouse doesn’t need bottles of perfume good for the next three years.

Unless you plan to turn this into a buy-and-sell business, evaluate the need for such item first before buying. Otherwise, you could be wasting your hard-earned money for something your family won’t use anyway. Quality over quantity.

Is it part of the budget? 

There is a reason why budgeting it important. It allows you to allocate your money to make sure you will last and at the same time, make you conscious of your spending habits because you can easily see which areas you can cut down.

Before shopping, look into your budget first to see if it can accommodate another expense. If not, don’t purchase an item – yet – even if it’s on sale.

Can I afford this item? 

Do you know why many Filipinos are living in debt? There are many reasons, but one of them is relying heavily on credit such as credit card or loan. There is nothing wrong with applying for a loan if you use it properly and for the right reasons like putting up your own small business. But if you apply for the purpose of buying a new phone or laptop for your kids, then you need to re-think your priorities and avoid buying items you can’t afford to pay in cash.

The best thing you can do is to walk away. That’s fine. It only means your money deserve something better and more worthwhile. Better yet, save up for it.

Is this the best deal? 

There are stores that carry the same item but for a different price. Before you buy anything that is really necessary, make sure to shop around and compare prices per store. Some stores charge higher and the goal is the get the best deal (or cheapest price) for bigger savings. There are stores that offer free add-ons or discounts, which you should take advantage of as well.

It doesn’t matter if one store is more expensive by $2. That’s still $2-worth of savings and you shouldn’t say no to that.

How is the quality of the item?

The biggest department store in your place is on sale, so you decided to check it out. Sure, you get clothes and shoes for half the price, but how is the quality? Are you willing to pay for rubber shoes with 80 percent price tag but the soles look like rats chewed on them?

There’s nothing wrong with buying on discounts, but make sure to check the quality of the items first. You want to save, but if saving involves compromised items, then it’s best to leave them on the rack and wait for better opportunities.

At the end of the day, don’t feel pressured to shop for your family as often as you can, especially if it means compromising your savings. More than the material things, what your family wants is your safety and good health, so focus on that.

5 Common Investment Mistakes Every OFW Needs to Avoid

Investment is not as easy as it sounds. Yes, it helps increase your earnings (even doubles or triples your money), but it will always require knowledge, time. commitment, and more importantly, patience.

That’s not all. You’re always bound to make mistakes, which could affect your financial strategies. If you’re not too careful and vigilant, you might even lose the money you worked hard for.

Don’t worry. The market may be difficult to predict but there are some things you can control, such as avoiding these investment mistakes:

Mistake No. 1: Not educating itself about what investment is.

Don’t take investment for granted. Its purpose is to grow your money, but it needs time, discipline, knowledge, and a lot of patience to make it work to your advantage. If you really want to make it work, then it is imperative that you know what investment is.

One mistake people make (not just OFWs) is that they don’t understand what investment truly means, including the variety of ways on how you can earn. You can change that by keeping yourself informed. Maximize Internet and find out everything you need to know about investing you money. The more informed you are, the better the chances of making your investment work for you.

Just in case you can’t understand certain terms or how a particular investment option works, don’t be afraid to ask. Clarify your concerns instead of saying yes on something you don’t understand. Otherwise, there is a bigger possibility of losing the money intended for important expenses, say your Retirement Fund or kids’ educational plan.

Mistake No. 2: Putting all eggs in one basket. 

Here’s something you should know about investment: there is always a risk involved. It will only differ on the type of investment you chose, but risks will always be a part of it.

Therefore, diversify your investments by putting your money in different assets such as bonds or stocks. This way, you don’t lose your money “one time, bigtime,” so make sure you spread it out evenly.

“But I just want to invest my money in stocks or UITF,” you might say. That’s fine. If you plan to get UITF, make sure you go for Peso Balanced Fund (learn more about it here.or invest in various companies to keep your portfolio diversified.

Mistake No. 3: Undefined financial goals. 

It’s easy to say, “I want to invest” or “I want to grow my money,” but for how long and for what purpose?

This is another common investment mistake committed by many. Consequently, not many people realize the importance of defining financial goals according to term.

The next time you say you want to grow your money, ask yourself first about what you plan to do with it and how soon (in months or years) do you want to achieve it. Consequently, define and characterize your goals into short, medium, and long term. This will serve as your reminder on when to stop and when to keep waiting in order to make those financial goals happen.

Mistake No. 4: Investing without any emergency fund. 

There’s nothing wrong with investing. What makes it wrong is that you invest without preparing for what might happen in case you lost your money.

Keep in mind that the market can be volatile. One day you are earning and the next day, you are losing your money. Without any emergency fund, you might end up losing a big chunk from your account and it will take time before you get it back.

Therefore, establish not just an Investment Fund but also an Emergency Fund. The Emergency Fund will keep you covered in case something happens to your investment.

READ: How to Establish your Emergency Fund

Mistake No. 5: Not knowing how to manage or assess risks. 

Investment always comes with risks. In fact, that’s what makes it exciting. The problem lies on how you handle those risks.

One of the common investment mistakes made by OFWs is not understanding the risks associated with investing according to level of tolerance (conservative, aggressive, or balanced). Identify the risk you are willing to take and then work from there. There are many investment choices you can choose from according to your risk level, so choose based on where you are most comfortable.

The world of investing can be overwhelming in the beginning. You’re going to be fine. Just read up, keep yourself informed, and start small – for now. You’ll learn more about it as you go along this journey. Good luck!

Every OFW’s Guide to Investing in the Stock Market

Have you invested your money already? No, this does not include savings account. By investment, this means you place your hard-earned money in a certain financial product for a specific time, thereby allowing your money to earn more than what you initially placed.

READ: Best Investment Options for OFWs

There are tons of investment options available that you can try. In case you are willing to take that risk in exchange of higher returns, then you might want to consider putting your money in the stock market.

Below are things you should know about the stock market plus tips on how to get you started:

Facts about the Stock Market

1. A stock market is a place that allows you to buy and sell stocks from Philippine-listed companies, which represents your “ownership” in a particular company.

2. There is only one stock market that facilitates transactions and is called Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

3. There are two ways on how to earn from the stock market: price appreciation and through dividends. Price appreciation is the increase in value per share of stock, thereby translating such increase as profit. On the other hand, dividend is the distribution of earnings (stocks owned x amount of dividend) to every shareholder in the form of cash or additional stocks. Dividend is given at least once a year but some companies could give as much as twice or thrice a year.

4. You don’t need a big amount to start investing in the stock market. Believe it or not, you can have as little as P5,000, which is already a good amount to familiarize yourself with how the stock market works. Eventually, you can increase your investment to allow you to buy more stocks.

Tips in Investing in the Stock Market

  • Educate yourself about how the stock market works. Know the companies worth investing (also known as blue chips), check the price per share of the companies you are eyeing for (preferably for the last three months)), and keep yourself informed with what’s happening in the Philippines since this will likely affect the prices of stocks.
  • Establish how long do you plan to put your money in the stock market. Stock market can be addicting, especially if you see that you are already earning, so make sure to put a limit on it.
  • Choose a licensed firm and/or stock broker, particularly accredited by the PSE. This is a must because it is through them wherein you will course your stock transactions.
  • Register your account online. Unless years ago where every transaction is done over the phone, you now have the ability to decide and do things on your own (and instantly too!) because of the online tool. This is convenient since you are working overseas and you don’t need a “middleman” to do the buying and selling for you.
  • Think long-term when investing in the stock market. Keep in mind that the price per share appreciates (or depreciates) in a matter of days to years. Hold on to that number of shares you have if you want bigger returns.
  • Do NOT put all of your money in the stock market. The returns may be higher, but the stock market can be risky as well. The key here is to invest a certain amount that will not cripple you and at the same time, willing to lose.

Don’t worry, there are more posts related to investing in the stock market, so stay tuned. 

3 Reasons Why Many OFWs Don’t Have Savings and What to Do about It

Do you have a savings account? If yes, do you regularly (which means every month) deposit a fixed amount in it? If yes again, then congratulations. You are in the right track toward achieving financial freedom.

If not, then what went wrong? What’s stopping you from having a savings account or at least regularly depositing from that account?

Perhaps, below are the reasons:


Dictionary defines “procrastination” as the “act of delaying or postponing something.” 

In other words, you promised to save or open a savings account but constantly delays it and find tons of excuses not to do so (like a sale of your kids’ favorite shoe brand, so you promise to start saving next month and forget about it for the nth time).

What can you do? It’s about having the right and committed mindset. You will never run out of excuses just to delay saving, but if you start teaching your mind that you really need to do it NOW, then you could have a shot of at least depositing something on that particular month until it becomes a habit. The more committed and disciplined you are, the higher the chance of making saving happen.

Lack of Self Control 

You promised to save 10 percent of your monthly earnings and put it in a fund. Unfortunately, you passed by a department store on your way home and saw that big “Sale” sign on the front door. Instead of walking away, you decided to go inside and that “10 percent per month for savings” is gone for good.

What can you do? It’s hard to deny that spending feels better than saving – for now. Consequently, you also feel discouraged every time you see a not-so-big amount reflecting on your bank account. It may be cliche, but all good things come to those who wait.

Keep in mind that achieving financial freedom doesn’t happen overnight. At the same time, it is a combination of commitment, discipline, and (a lot of) self-control to keep you focused on your financial priorities. It’s hard at first, but resisting the habit of spending will help you achieve your financial goals.

Twisted View on Saving 

Have you heard of the term “loss aversion?” This means you prefer to avoid losses to acquire equivalent gains. For instance, you prefer holding on to your P1,000 instead of saving or investing it in order to grow the said amount.

This is where the twisted view on saving comes in. There are people who will hold on to that getting a portion in their monthly salary is equivalent to loss because something is being taken away. If you look at saving as a form of loss, then saving is and will have a hard time being part of your system.

What can you do? Start thinking of saving (or even investing) as a form of gain. Look at saving as a value and understand its value. Once you start recognizing the value of setting aside money, then it will come to you naturally.

The truth is you’re not alone in the No Savings Department. There are thousands of OFWs who are struggling when it comes to saving, thereby causing them financial distress in the long run. The good news is it’s not too late to start saving for your and your family’s future. Start now and don’t wait for that “emergency” to happen. You can do it.

4 Tips on How OFWs Can Protect Themselves against Investment Scam

There are many ways on how you can grow your money. Having a savings account is safe and won’t let you down, although this will yield lower return. If you are willing to experiment, getting a time deposit could be another option. Apparently, savings and time deposit are not the only investment options you can avail of. You can turn to bonds, mutual funds, or even stocks to make your money grow double (or triple).

“Hindi ko naman naiintindihan yan,” you might say.

Sadly, many people are taking advantage of OFW’s lack of understanding when it comes to various investment options. These people will lure you to get this and that and promise higher return of investment – only to realize in the end that it is a scam and your hard-earned money is gone.

The good news is you can do something about it to avoid falling into the trap. Here’s what you can do:

Learn everything there is to learn about investment options. 

It’s not enough that you want to grow your money to live comfortably eventually. Before you invest your hard-earned money, you need to educate yourself first about the investment options out there.

In other words, read up. Use the Internet to learn more about UITF, mutual fund, bonds, and stocks among others. If time (and budget) permits, attend seminars. Read financial blogs because you will find tons of information there. Join Facebook groups that are specifically for financial purposes and don’t be shy to ask questions. The more informed you are, the lesser the chances of becoming an investment scam victim because you know what you’re getting into.

Choose a company with good reputation and proven track record. 

It’s not enough that you know what you want. You need to find the right partner to make sure that they will help you in making those financial goals happen.

Therefore, choose an investment company with proven track record. The company must not be involved in unethical and illegal practices and at the same time, its leaders must be of people with integrity. Learn more about your chosen company by reading news and reviews about them before giving them your money.

Aside from the company reputation, your preferred investment partner must also be accredited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and/or Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). This way, you are sure that the company is regulated and recognized by appropriate government entities. Consequently, it gives you a form of guarantee since you know that you – and your money – is protected.

There is no such thing as high return in short period of time. 

“Double your money in 10 days” or “Get your first million in a month.”

Sounds tempting, don’t you think? Since you are serious about growing your money, you decided to give in. Unfortunately, this is a perfect example of scam – and there is a chance you might not get your money back.

Keep in mind that earning from your investment won’t happen in days. It takes time for money to grow and even years to make sure that you meet your target amount. If the offer sounds too good to be true, then think twice before investing. All good things need time to grow.

Everything will be overwhelming at first, but don’t let it stop you from learning and eventually investing. Think about your goals and plans for the family to keep you going.

Should you get an Educational Plan for your kids to fund college education?

Securing your family’s future is one of the primordial concerns of not just OFWs but every parent in general. By future, this includes your child’s college education.

Let’s face it. Sending a child to college is not easy – and cheap. Tuition fee must be paid twice every year, with the rate depending on the school. Then there’s the weekly allowance, commute or gas expense, miscellaneous fees to be paid on top of the tuition fee.

In other words, you need at least a million (or even higher if you’re aiming for Ateneo or La Salle) every year for four years to be able to send your child to a good school. With the expenses you need to pay, your monthly income and side earnings may not be enough to pay for your child’s college education.

This is why you resort to educational plan to help fund your college dreams for your child. Apparently, there were several pre-plan fiascos (CAP, anyone?) that makes you doubt whether to get an educational plan or not.

The next question is this: is getting an educational plan worth it? 

Benefits of Educational Plan 

  • It guarantees your child’s education, especially when your child dreams of going to a particular school.
  • An educational plan makes studying more affordable by supporting your child’s school fees.
  • The maturity benefit meets your child’s college expenses, especially when you start early.
  • There is an option to choose riders such as personal accident insurance. This means even if you are gone, your child will still be covered and go to college. Ask your agent about riders (although this means you have to pay for additional premium).

Downside of Educational Plan 

  • It takes away a big chunk in your monthly budget. Insurance plans don’t come free and if you plan to put add-ons in your child’s educational plan, this means higher premium as well. Check your budget first and see if you can accommodate additional expense.
  • The educational plan doesn’t cover the entire school fees. You still have to pay for certain expenses like allowance or miscellaneous fees, which you need to save up for.
  • The return on educational insurance plans is lower compared to the inflation of tuition fees.
  • The risk is still there. This is why it is important to invest in legitimate and reputable insurance companies.

Tips in Getting the Best Educational Plan for Your Child

  • Plan ahead. There is no better way of starting than doing it now.
  • Choose your insurance provider wisely. The insurance company must not only be known in the industry but is also legitimate, reliable, and capable of meeting your demands.
  • The benefits of an educational plan must be aligned according to your needs. Aside from the college plan, ask for additional features like life insurance to make sure that your child can still continue its college education in case something happens to you.
  • Consider your budget. Add-ons can be helpful, but if it will burden the entire family because of the premiums you have to pay, then stick to the basics.
  • Educate yourself about educational plans first before getting one. Learn about concepts, terminologies, and the basics of insurance so you will know what the agent is talking about.

More than educational plans, it is best to start saving for your child’s college education as early as now. Get a sidejob if possible to help you save more. Then, set aside a specific fund for this and make sure not to get a single centavo from it. This will give you enough leverage by the time your child enters college (and preferably in his or her preferred university).

6 OFW Money Habits You Need to Break this 2018 – and Beyond

It’s the start of a new year. This means clean slate, new beginning, and a fresh page on your 365-day calendar. While the long-term goal remains the same, that is to provide a better and secure life for your family, you still list resolutions and plans for the year with the ultimate goal of achieving it by December 31.

Since you are listing your yearly goals, you might consider writing down your financial plans and at the same time, getting rid of these bad money habits for a more financially-secure future:

The “mamaya na” habit

Admit it. Your first month salary overseas was sent back home since your family needs it more than you do. Then, you promised yourself that you will dedicate a portion of your earnings for savings starting next month, to which you failed to do – again. You may not notice it but you put off savings or setting an Emergency Fund and only promise to do so when there’s extra income. The next thing you know, you are back in Philippine soil with little savings.

Get rid of the habit by imposing discipline on yourself when it comes to saving, Do what you can now and don’t wait for rainy days to come before you start taking savings seriously.

The “pakisama-slash-manlilibre” habit

You got a two-week vacation so you decided to go home and spend time with your family. Everyone in your barangay knows that you’re coming home, so they expect “libre.” To save face, you decided to give in since you’ll earn that money spent anyway. Then there are relatives and friends who constantly ask you out for a drink, so you have no choice but to pay for everything – even if it means using the little savings you have,

It’s okay to treat once in a while, but you should know when to say no and learn how to put some boundaries, especially when money is involved. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, especially those who are taking advantage of your position. Say no when necessary.

The “bahala na sa bayaran” habit

One good thing about being overseas: some items are cheaper compared to buying them in the Philippines. You want to take advantage of that so on your next paycheck, you decided to splurge and buy a lot of goods for the family back home. It doesn’t matter if you used up your entire one month salary. You’ll earn them anyway next month.

What if someone in the family got sick even before you get your salary – what will you do? You might say “bahala na” but don’t you think it’s much better if you are prepared for situations like this?

The “para sa pamilya naman” habit

You send most, if not all, of your earnings to your family back home. You even take side jobs for additional income. While there’s nothing wrong with this mentality, you are slowly starting to take away one important factor in the equation: you. 

Don’t send everything back home. Have your own savings. Set up an emergency fund (and don’t inform your family about it – yet). Prioritize your expenses. Have a break and treat yourself because you deserve it.

The “pasikat” habit

Your co-worker has a new phone. Your daughter called and asked for a tablet because her classmates have one. You bought new pair of shoes even if you just bought a par weeks ago. In other words, you give in to buying material things to make yourself and your family look “better off.”

This is okay if you have sufficient funds to sustain you for many years. If you rely on your monthly income with the danger of being out of job after your contract, then you need to re-think your priorities and stop buying things that won’t last forever.

The “hindi ko alam yan” attitude. 

At one point, someone talked to you about insurance, stock market, and other forms of investment. You brushed off the idea, saying that you don’t understand it anyway. As a result, you settle for the safe and low risk without even giving investment options a chance.

Here’s the thing: it won’t make you less of a person if you ask someone who is knowledgeable about something. Take your time off to educate yourself about stocks, UITFs, mutual funds, and bonds among many others. Eventually, start small and try what the market has to offer.

This post can also help you start your investment journey even with little capital.

Are you ready to break these bad money habits?

Practical Ways to Raise Money for Your Placement Fee

Here’s the truth about applying for a job overseas: before you can set foot in a foreign land, you need to pay for certain fees in order to make the job possible. This includes payment of placement fee.

Placement fee is the amount that either you or the employer has paid to the recruitment agency as a form of compensation for hiring a qualified worker for an overseas job. It usually amounts to equivalent to or less than one-month-worth of salary. This fee is placed in a fund, which can be used to assist an overseas Filipino worker in times of need.

Despite its good intentions, most Filipinos dread the day they have to pay for placement fee. Some agencies prefer “salary deduction” wherein a portion of your salary will be remitted for payment of placement fee. Apparently, not all agencies do that. As a result, Filipinos often borrow money from relatives; hence “utang na loob.” Some would even sell valuable assets like residential lots or farming lands to make up for the fee.

Still, the key here is preparation – and these tips will help you raise enough funds for it (without giving up your home or other valuable assets):

1. Look for something you can sell. 

It could be shirts or shoes you never get to wear or items that are still in mint condition. You can even sell unopened, duplicate items like lotion or shampoo. Believe it or not, some things you don’t need anymore could be valuable to other people, so why not convert it into cash.

The good thing about this is that selling them easier. Take good pictures, provide all the information needed, and then post them on OLX, Facebook, or Instagram to attract potential buyers. The best thing about this is that it is free.

2. Get a side job. 

Aside from selling some of your items, you should also consider getting a side job or do some freelancing to help you raise enough funds. The good thing about this is that you get to work at your own pace and you are only hired on a per-project basis.

You can try freelance writing, English tutor, or data encoding jobs. The pay may not be that high, but it is good enough to add to your placement fee fund. If someone in the family enjoys baking or crafting, then put them into good use by selling products online.

3. Eliminate unnecessary expenses. 

It could be eating out in restaurants (fast-food is considered as eating out), going out every weekend, or coffee trips with your family. Perhaps your spouse enjoys online shopping, which can be considered as unnecessary if the item bought doesn’t come with sense of urgency. The point is there are some expenses that are considered unnecessary because they are something you can postpone.

If you want to save up for your placement fee, then do your best to eliminate spending for unnecessary expenses, regardless of how small the amount is. P1.00 is still P1.00 and it could make a difference if you are saving up for your placement fee.

4. Do not immediately resort to loan. 

If you prefer something quick and instant, then borrowing money could solve your placement fee problems. Still, this equates to debt, which you need to pay for every month.

Therefore, do not immediately borrow money from lenders to avoid incurring penalty or interest charges in case of late payment or inability to pay the loan. This could also affect your chances of getting a loan the next time you apply for more urgent needs because of your history of non-payment. Surely, you don’t want that to happen.

Take note that payment of placement fee will only be done AFTER you signed an employment contract bearing the job you were accepted for. Stay away from recruitment agencies that ask for payment of placement fee the moment you submitted an application form.

Nonetheless, take note of these tips (and make sure you do them) so you don’t have to worry when the time comes and you have to pay for it.

6 Ways on How to Earn Extra Cash Even If It’s Christmas

They say Christmas is all about giving. While we want to look at the word, “giving” in a positive way, this word equates to “spending” as well. When you spend, this means you take a portion out of your salary or savings to give something to those who mean a lot to you.

What if we tell you that you can still save a few hundreds (or even thousands) despite the Season of Giving?

Here’s how to do it:

1. Sell some of the things you own. 

Do you have purchased clothes you haven’t even worn? What about the duplicate pasalubongs you’re supposed to send to your family that are sitting in your cabinet? How about items that you were supposed to place inside the balikbayan box but you already forgot?

Save some space and get some cash by selling them. Offer them to your colleagues or sell them online for extra cash this Christmas.

Or another good idea would be to give those extra items as a gift instead. This way, you don’t have to worry about making that trip to the mall, especially on this busy month.

2. Set a budget. 

It may sound like a broken record, but if you really want to save, then you need to make a budget for everything, especially during the Christmas season. Having a budget allows you to control your expenses and set limitations.

Start by listing all of the people you plan to give gifts to (if you can, with your ideal gift). If time permits, shop around to give you an idea how much your ideal gift costs. This allows you to set aside a specific budget for each person.

3. Share a gift with someone. 

Do you have a friend you are closest with? Why not share gifts with them to cut your spending into half. This is a good way to save more since you have someone to share expenses with. Nonetheless, this will only be a good idea if you plan to give gifts to your boss or fellow workers.

4. Always pay in cash. 

This is another must-do rule during Christmas. Using a credit card to pay for your purchases may be convenient, but there is a higher possibility that you won’t be able to pay on time; hence incur interest or penalty fee.

If you want to save more, then paying in cash is the best way to go. Plus, you are more conscious of your spending because you know how much is left in your wallet.

5. Consider getting a sideline. 

Christmas is a busy season for everyone. Why not take advantage of it by offering your services for a fee?

Ask around and see if there are any temporary job openings, say in a mall or restaurant. You can also ask your employer for extra jobs for additional earnings.

If you prefer staying in your place, then you can try answering surveys or complete online reviews. There are tons of websites that offer this type of service where you can be paid. This is good enough to give you something extra for the holidays.

6. Try online shopping with cashback services. 

This is popular these days. Cashback sites are websites that partner with online retailers where you get a “money back” for every purchase made on that particular retailer site. The higher the purchase, the higher the cash back will be, which you can use on your next purchase or even have it encashed by crediting it in your bank account.

Still, don’t use this as an excuse to shop and go beyond your budget. You’re after saving and not spending.

More importantly, practice self-control. Gift-giving is not measured by how expensive an item is. What matters most if that you remembered that person and you give something that s/he will appreciate. After all, that’s what Christmas is about, right?

5 Tips on How to Choose a Recruitment Agency Wisely

Are you planning to work overseas? Before you dream of seeking greener pastures, the first thing you need to look for is a recruitment agency that will make your dreams come true.

By definition, a recruitment agency is a company that engages in finding suitable and qualified workers for other companies or organizations, both in the Philippines or overseas.

Recruitment agencies are everywhere. Because of the increasing demand for jobs and the money that comes with it, some people are taking advantage of the trend and promise to offer people jobs, only to realize that there are no jobs waiting for them. Worse, you paid for corresponding fees and can’t get your money back.

To avoid this from happening, here are some tips to remember when choosing a recruitment agency:

Tip No. 1: Always check the legitimacy of a recruitment agency. 

This is the first thing you need to check before submitting an application form. While the job offer looks tempting, you’ll never know if it comes from a legitimate agency; hence checking their status is a must.

Don’t rely on the POEA license number posted in their offices. You can check them out in the POEA website to make sure that you apply in a legitimate recruitment agency.

NOTE: Internet-based recruitment agencies are a big NO-NO and are currently tracked by POEA. Do not apply with them.

Tip No. 2: Do a background check of the agency. 

The good news is the recruitment agency is licensed and legitimate. Does this mean they are good? Not exactly.

You need to do a background check on the recruitment agency as well. Find out about the agency’s history, officers, number of workers deployed, and other types of services they offer to help OFWs. If the agency has awards or recognitions, then much better because it only shows the kind of service they offer. If possible, ask about the experiences from previous workers. This way, you will have an idea of what your experience would be like when you apply.

Since you’re already in the process of applying, pay attention to how the agency employees treat their clients. Make sure they are respectful enough in dealing with people since they will do the same with you.

Tip No. 3: Stop when payment is asked. 

Eventually, you will have to pay a placement fee and other documentation costs, which is often deducted on your first monthly salary. If a recruitment agency, no matter how legitimate they are, asked for payment of placement fee upfront, then you need to withdraw your application.

Take note that you are only required to pay upon signing of employment contract, which must be evidenced by official receipts as proof that payment was made. Before that, you should not pay the agency a single centavo.

READ: Prohibited Acts When Applying for a Job Overseas

Tip No. 4: Pay attention to the documentation. 

Let’s say they didn’t ask for payment of placement fee upfront. Then that’s good news. Still, don’t celebrate yet. There are recruitment agencies who ask workers to sign dubious documents or documents that are difficult to understand, which is also not a good sign.

Therefore, pay attention to the application form, which should only contain questions relevant to your personal information and work experience. If employed, you should be offered working visa and NOT tourist visa since the intention is to work overseas. Aside from punishment fees, there is always a higher risk of deportation – and you don’t want that to happen.

Tip No. 5: Ask recommendations. 

Your friends and family who worked overseas can always provide you with the best information based on their personal experience. If none in the family or your circle of friends have tried working overseas, you can always rely on OFW forums or groups for information about the best recruitment agencies and their personal experiences.

Choosing the right recruitment agency is just the beginning. Make this right and hopefully, everything else will run smoothly.